THE LEMONY PEAR is 2nd of ESO blog.


Go to this link to listen to chapter 1:

Chapter 1  My Dreams
  1. Where does Cathy live?
  1. Where did her parents adopt her from?
  1. What is her hobby?
  1. What does Cathy dream about?
   5. What dream does she remember more clearly?

Chapter 2  The Day after Christmas
  1. Why did her mother start to be worried?
  1. where did she go the day after Christmas? 
  1. Who did she go with? 
  1. What was her daydream about?

Chapter 3:  The Tsunami. 

1. Did the tsunami occur in Cornwall?
2. What was the people´s reaction when Cathy shouted? 

Chapter 4: The Biology lesson

1.    What is the lesson about?

Chapter 5:   A Trip to Sri Lanka.

1. How did Cathy feel when her mother told her about the trip to Sri Lanka? 
Chapter 6: The Orphanage

1.    What do they find when they arrive at the orphanage?

Chapter 7: Mrs. Numa
  1. Could they find the director of the orphanage?
  2. Who was the director?
  3. What was she like?
  4. Did Mrs Numa remember twins at the orphanage?
Chapter 8: The Cook
1.    Where was the hotel?
2.    What was the landscape like?
3.    What does Sri Lanka mean?
4.    Why do they speak English in Sri Lanka?
5.    Who worked at the hotel?
6.    What was Liyoni Janghiś job?
7.    Matau drove Cathy and her mother to the couple´s house. A woman spoke to Cathy´s mother, did they have any children?
8.    Why does Cathy put her hand on her mum´s arm?
9.    Was that girl her twin sister? 
10. How did Cathy feel? 
Chapter 9:  Lion´S Rock
Chapter 10:  The Coconut Beach
Chapter 11: Sukeena
Chapter 12: The end of our Trip


1. Cathy was in Lion´s Rock Before.
2.There was a tsunami in Galle area on 26th December.
3.Sukeena is Cathy´s twin sister.
4. Sukeena ´s father is very nice but her mum shouts a lot.
5. Sukeena decides to live in England with her.
6.Cathy and Sukeena´s dreams stopped for ever.

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